Sunday, November 11


Mary Becker Weiss worked for years to advocate for victims of domestic violence, to facilitate support groups in Hospice’s Grieving Children’s Program, and as an art facilitator who works with creative storytellers who have dementia and varying levels of cognitive abilities. Through the years, Mary's work in assemblage and collage has been a powerful tool for self expression, emancipation and empowerment.

What is the name of your studio?
Corniche (A corniche is a road on the side of a cliff or mountain with the ground rising on one side of the road and falling away on the other. The word comes from the French route à corniche or road on a ledge.)

"A Love Letter to Victor Hugo" 
© Mary Becker Weiss

(see more assemblages)

"Shhh! He's Coming Back"
"Shhh! He's Coming Back!”
© Mary Becker Weiss
What excites you about making art?
It took me a while to get there, but I would say the unpredictability of the outcome, particularly with my abstracts. I grew up in the military as a child where every thing was clearly defined and delineated. Everything was black or white. No gray. No play. No creativity or “interpretation.” 

It took me years to unlearn those lessons and rigid structure and to let go of the reins in creating some of my pieces. It is when I have been able to relinquish that control that surprises have come my way that were unanticipated. At first it was frightening to let go, but now I have learned to embrace and welcome that moment.

Do you have art in your house? What kind of pieces?
Yes, we collect contemporary art as well as vintage art. I have always been drawn to those artists who create with passion and abandon. I love the early work of Helen Frankenthaler and Georgia O’Keeffe (though I don’t have either one), but I am just as inspired by fellow Maine artists.
    What jobs have you done other than being an artist?
    Graphic designer, CNA, freelancer

    Why art?
    It emancipates my demons (and there are many)...

    What memorable responses have you had to your work?
    • I get lost in your work and it is full of wonder, movement... swirling, rhythmical, solid and strong (the use of that brilliant gold with the deep red) yet a place to get caught and lost."
    • "Such powerful work. I tremble."
    • "Your work is breathtaking and brave. I am in awe."
    • "Mary Becker Weiss' work is not just "out of the box" it is WAY out of the box!"
    • "Mrs. Weiss, I like your paintings. They make me really dizzy." ~ From a 4th Grader in Gardiner
    • "Dear Ms. Becker Weiss, I think your "Speechless" has left me speechless. Actually it's truly bizarre (though I have gone back to look at it at least a half dozen times.")
    • “Mary, thank you for teaching me how to see.”
    Has your work changed over time? In what way?
    Though my intentions have remained constant, my work has dramatically evolved through the years. When I first started with simple non-objective drawings, I was determined to try to “create something that no one had seen before.” (Robert Mapplethorpe) Hah! I do admit that some of my early yawps are still floating around out there.

    "Emotional Baggage"  © Mary Becker Weiss
    "Emotional Baggage" 
    © Mary Becker Weiss

    What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
    • Love Edna St. Vincent Millay’s quote “depart, be lost, but climb.”

    NOISE 2022 Mary Becker Weiss
    Detail of "Noise" 
    for "America Now: a Dialogue" 
    © Mary Becker Weiss

    Professionally, what’s your goal?
    • To push away from my comfort zone. (Easier said than done, but I’m working on it.)


    1. Thank you for your sharing and your work inspires me.

    2. Thank you, Val. Your work has always excited and inspired me as well! ~ Mary

    3. You’re still making’a difference striving towards that higher plane. Challenging inspiring being

      1. Your comment means a lot to me. Thank you for taking the time to send your encouragement. I’ll keep trying just for you! ~ Mary
