Saturday, August 2

"Some days just make you want to sing; others, not so much..."

Favorite Quotes of the Day:
"I get lost in your work and it is full of wonder, movement... swirling, rhythmical, solid and strong (the use of that brilliant gold with the deep red) yet a place to get caught and lost." ~ JMM

"Mary, I have your picture of "the pedant beholding big man" (my moniker) on my desk where I do a lot of my work, so my eyes fall on it frequently. It always brings me a smile." ~ MSR, Tampa Bay

"Dear Ms. Becker Weiss, I think your "Speechless" has left me speechless. Actually it's truly bizarre (though I have gone back to look at it at least a half dozen times.") ~ MER, NYC

"Speechless has created quite a stir ~ it certainly stops visitors in their tracks!" ~ R.M., South Bristol

"Mrs. Weiss, I like your paintings. They make me really dizzy." ~ From a 4th Grader in Gardiner

"Exhilarating and frightening at the same time, a creed by which to live!" ~ RC, West Village NYC

"Corniche is visually rich, emotionally resonating and full of the unexpected. A pleasure for the senses and the intellect." ~ CD, Gardiner

Least Favorite Quote of the Day:
“I’m new to this place. I like everything I see. And you smell really good. I’m going to go now.” (Tell me, dearest readers, where do you go with a comment like that…)

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